What’s New

Visualogyx™ Product Updates & Release Notes

New Features



December 2022


This month we are introducing the Visualogyx Public Template Library: discover predefined inspection templates to download and customize, with contributions from fellow Visualogyx users and the Visualogyx team. We also improved the first-time user experience with a step-by-step “Getting Started” guide.

Released the Visualogyx Public Template Library. Full integration with our web and mobile apps to seamlessly discover, import, and customize predefined inspection templates.

Added a “Getting Started” page on startup for new users, a step-by-step guide on how to get started with Visualogyx.

Added a new Help section with access to resources such as Tutorials, What’s New, Support, and Give Feedback.

Organization size is now being captured during the signup process to provide a more customized experience.

Improved the synch logic for our iOS and Android mobile apps.

Miscellaneous minor bug fixes.

November 2022


This month we added the ability to preview documents inside our mobile app, improved the syncing performance, and released multiple fixes and improvements reported by our users.

Added the ability to preview documents on our iOS and Android mobile apps.

Improved user Email validation robustness on Android, iOS and web platforms.

The responsiveness of the icon (arrow) that expands the menu to switch capture mode on a blank inspection was improved.

Improved the performance of loading projects with a large number of inspections for iOS, Android and web platforms.

Addressed an issue with Barcode detection in our iOS mobile app.

Fixed an issue with some numeric fields not showing Zeros but blanks in inspection reports.

October 2022


This month we added the ability to manage Organization settings for our iOS and Android mobile apps. We also enhanced the ability to sign up and switch pricing plans, and we addressed miscellaneous fixes and improvements.

Added the ability to manage Organization settings, including changing the name of the organization, updating the logo, and managing users for our iOS and Android mobile apps.

Improved the user experience with plan selecting and switching when onboarding and when a free trial expires.

Addressed an issue in which our users were not able to enter negative signs in numeric fields on iOS and Android devices.

Addressed an issue with the Android app shutting down when sharing a document.

Other fixes and miscellaneous improvements reported by users were released.

July 2022


This month we added the concept of an Organization, which adds flexibility to the Visualogyx platform to be set up for just one user or large companies with multiple organizations and teams. We also introduced new Pricing Plans and addressed miscellaneous fixes and improvements.

Introduced the concept of "Organization" as the highest hierarchical level in the platform. Users can now create multiple Organizations and multiple Teams under those.

Improved our plans and billing. Users can sign up for a Professional Plan free trial for 30 days or an Enterprise Plan during their onboarding.

Introduced an option to allow users to delete their accounts.

Other fixes and miscellaneous improvements reported by users were released.

January 2022


This month, we revamped our “Projects” functionality. You can now group multiple related inspections under a project, enabling users with multiple users and teams to collaborate more effectively. You can also invite third-party users to view and collaborate on projects. As usual, we also continue addressing issues reported by users and launching miscellaneous performance improvements.

Added the ability for users to attach existing inspections to projects.

Added the ability for user to attach multiple projects to one inspection.

Other fixes and miscellaneous improvements reported by users were released.