Simple. Reliable. Secure.

Inspection, Audits, and Quality Platform

Visualogyx provides the tools to collect verifiable evidence, automate workflows, perform inspections, and conduct audits.

Book Your Free Demo

Discover how our software can transform your business.

How It Works

Design. Capture. Share.

STEP 1: Customize Inspection & Audit Templates

Create templates and version-controlled forms with:

  • Multiple Choice
  • Image & Video
  • Digital Signatures
  • Voice Dictation
  • Drop-Downs
  • Bar Code Scanner
  • Location Check-In
  • And more…

STEP 2: Collect Evidence

Populate your custom templates with multi-media evidence captured. All stored and secured directly to your cloud. 

STEP 3: Share Inspection Reports

After your inspection is completed, generate and share branded reports with captured data and media in PDF format.

inspection report on planet
KYPiT analytics report

STEP 4: Verify

KYPiT, an AI layer positioned above the Visualogyx platform, aids in verifying inspection metadata and detecting potential discrepancies or fraudulent activities.

Empowering Teams

From Startups to Enterprises, Across Industries

And many more...


Utilizing Visualogyx's inspection-sharing functionality, your team can assign predefined forms to field inspectors, final clients, or third-party auditors.


The assigned party is notified when an inspection is ready for them. They follow instructions and upload the requested asset data using the Visualogyx mobile app.


After inspections, our KYPiT authentication layer detects metadata discrepancies, enhancing asset authentication and fraud prevention.

Digital Transformation

Eliminating paper workflows can lower operational costs, improve customer experience, enhance transparency, and maintain your competitive advantage.

Operational Safety

Identifying potentials safety hazards during inspections helps your business ensure the safety of your employees, customers, and facilities.

Centralize Institutional Memory

Consolidating your organization's data allows you to strengthen your inspection and audit processes and establish a single centralized version of the truth.

Empowering Teams

From Startups to Enterprises, Across Industries

Discover KYPiT

The Visualogyx Difference

Inspections with Metadata Cognition and Analysis

KYPiT inspection data authentication layer

Raising the Bar in Your Inspections

KYPiT, an AI layer positioned above the Visualogyx platform, aids in verifying inspection metadata and detecting potential discrepancies or fraudulent activities.

Image Metadata Authentication

Image metadata such as location, source, and timestamps are cross-checked with inspections.


Assigned inspections can be allocated to specific locations and cross-referenced with inspection metadata.

Examiner or Inspector Verification

Information about users who engage with the field exam, such as their email and mobile number, is authenticated.

Web Integrity Check

Web information, such as domains and IPs interacting with the inspection, undergoes validation.

Unify Your Data For

Smarter Business Decisions


Digitize Custom Reports

Create tailored reports with ease, leveraging Visualogyx's drag and drop report generator to capture illustrative data.


Integrations & Analytics

Simplify your data capture and reporting workflows by integrating your tools seamlessly through our public API.


Centralize Institutional Memory

Maintain your operational data, records and analytics in one secure location, making data retrieval fast and reliable.

Cloud-Based Inspections and QA Platform for Professionals and Industry Leaders